Kitchen Deep Cleaning

Kitchen Deep Cleaning

As the person responsible for the day to day running of a commercial kitchen or food preparation premises, you must adhere to stringent legislation which governs both the hygiene & health and safety standards employed within them.
The Food Safety Act 1990 & The Food Hygiene Regulations 2006 require you to have certain procedures in place to prove your compliance.
In addition to these, The Fire Safety Order 2005 require you to ensure that all reasonable steps have been taken to minimise the risk of a fire breaking out. 
To satisfy this legislation, commercial kitchen owners MUST carry out periodic deep cleaning and have their extraction systems cleaned at least every 12 months.
We can provide a thorough deep clean and decontamination of your kitchens to give you peace of mind that you are complying with this legislation and offering a safe and hygienic kitchen to both work in and serve food to your customers.

Why Should You Have a Kitchen Deep Clean?
  • Increase hygiene standards - this will in turn reduce the risk of food contamination and pest and vermin infestations.
  • Prolong the life of kitchen equipment.  
  • Reduce the risk of fire.
  • To comply with food regulations.
  • Increase staff morale - by providing a clean working environment it sets a standard for staff to be able to maintain an ongoing good hygiene practices.
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